How to Reduce Screen Time for Kids, Follow These 6 Practices

It’s concerning that the screen time for kids nowadays has gone very high. It has become a kind of addiction for kids. They are glued to mobile phones or TV screens. This problem is alarming and we need to seek solutions to reduce screen time for kids.
Many things happened in the recent past that have contributed to the drastic increase in the screen time for kids. The COVID phase forced parents to confine their kids to homes. The education system shifting to online learning left parents with no other option, but to give access to mobiles, tabs, and laptops to their kids. Have an insight into various factors contributing to the increased screen time for kids.
Whatever the reason may be, too much screen time is not good for kids. At that phase of their life, they should be exploring and experiencing the real world. That is not the time for them to be glued to screens, as it degrades both mental and physical health. So let’s discuss how we can reduce screen time for our kids without being harsh on them, and without hurting our bond with our kids.

1. Increase Your Involvement with Kids

The first thing we need to do is to find out the kid’s interests other than screen. Because initially if we just tell them to leave phones and tabs or stop watching TV, they won’t listen to us. And also that would be a rude approach to the situation. We have to be very friendly and cautious initially because we don’t want to land first foot wrong and worsen the situation.
After we have noted their interests, start showing your involvement in them. Their interests may be like dancing, singing, painting, or listening to stories. So when you watch them doing these activities you also join them. Dance with them, sing with them, tell them stories. Make these activities more fun.

Note: Good and Positive Parenting Tips

Now you can tell your kids to leave screens and join you in those activities. They will be easily convinced and willing to leave screen aside. What we have done here is, we made the time other than the screen time more enjoyable. Isn’t that is what kids want, Enjoyment. Earlier they were enjoying time spent with screen, now they are enjoying time without screen.

2. To Reduce Screen Time for Kids Increase outdoor time

COVID forced us to keep kids indoors, where when they got bored, to keep them engaged they were introduced to TV, mobile, tablet, and laptops. Because parents were left with no option, but to allow kids to have prolonged screen time.
But now, that the situation has improved outdoors, it’s important for parents to take their kids outdoors. Introduce kids to outdoor fun. Take them to the park or playground, and play outdoor games with them. Take them to a zoo or for a picnic or tracking or a trip on weekends.
Kids when they realize that leaving the screen and going out is more entertaining, will also start reducing their engagement with screens.

3. Indoor Engaging Activities

We can not keep kids outdoors all the time. And whenever they return home they may feel this strong urge for phones, tabs, and TVs. But we can make indoor time more interesting and entertaining to keep them occupied so that we can reduce screen time for kids.
We can engage them with us in daily household chores. Like cleaning, washing and other works which you find suitable for them, take their help in those works. It will address two issues, firstly reduce your work burden. Secondly, it will save some time, which you can spend doing activities that your kid likes.
Surely, it’s hard to believe that kids will help you with household chores. But it is possible because it is actually parents who drive their kids away by saying NO too often. Excessive use of NO is harmful to kids’ growth and parent-kid bonding.
Another way of keeping kids away from screens indoors is to have amusing toys and games. There are lots of products available in the market and online, like activity books, indoor games, puzzles, drawing books, and toys. You should have these at your home to develop the creativity and capability of kids.
Here are some recommendations which you may consider worth having for your kids:

  1. Building blocks
  2. Activity book
  3. Drawing Paper Roll
  4. Puzzle
  5. Clay Dough
  6. Story book, Story Audio Player

4. Fix time slots for Screen Time

In today’s world with so many technological advancements, screens are available everywhere and it’s hard to keep kids away from screens. It’s nearly impossible for parents to completely bring down the screen time for kids to zero. Here, Parents need to be a bit accommodating and hit the right balance.
Keep some fixed time slots available for screen time also. Allow kids to use that time to watch their favorite cartoons or shows that they enjoy. This will give your little ones an indication that you are not simply imposing your authority on them, rather you are just being mindful about their screen time. Which is good for a healthy bond with your children.

5. Watch with them

With other indoor activities, you can add this one also, watching your kids’ favorite shows with them. But make it a point to watch on big screens, like TVs and Laptops. Screen time on mobiles and tabs should be discouraged. Because bigger screen locations are mostly fixed and are mainly in shared spaces like drawing rooms.

Important: You will be able to solve many mysteries of their behavior. Some behavioral characteristics are transferred to kids from the shows they watch. You may be wondering many times, where did your kid learn some inappropriate kind of things, this is not the way they used to behave. The culprit may be the shows or videos that they watch. Screens in shared spaces will allow you to monitor what they are watching.

6. Reduce your screen time

Be a role model. You will also have to do the same thing that you want your kids to do. You have to lead them, they will follow you. If you are spending more time glued to screens, definitely your kid is going follow you, they will also be glued to screens. Your kid won’t see any point in reducing screen time when they see you spending time watching the screen continuously. So it’s an unrealistic approach if you want to reduce screen time for kids while you spend your time watching TV or on mobile phones
When you have reduced your screen time, you will have ample of time to spend with your kid. The more time you spend with your kids, the stronger your bond grows with them.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Rupender

    Good tips to help reduce screen time for kids.