6 Reasons Why Over Pampering is Bad and Spoiling Child

As a parent, it’s natural to want to provide the best for our children. We want to see them happy, comfortable, and free from any kind of discomfort. However, there is little difference between spoiling children and taking care of them.
Parents often don’t get the right meaning of pampering a child. They often get confused with the difference between care and pampering. Although “Pampering” and “Caring” are often used interchangeably, they actually have different meanings. When we look at it from a parent’s point of view, Caring refers to showing concern, and compassion and providing support to the child. Caring for a child involves doing things that demonstrate a genuine interest in a child’s well-being, such as listening to them when they need to talk, or helping them with a task.
On the other hand, pampering typically means indulging in a luxurious or excessive treatment, like showering affection on a child to make them loved and wanted. While pampering can be a form of caring, but it is not the same thing, there is a difference between pampering and caring. Caring involves a deeper, more meaningful connection with a child, whereas pampering is more focused on providing a temporary, superficial pleasure. It’s important to find a balance between pampering and caring, as both can be beneficial in different situations.

What happens when Parents get carried away with Pampering?

When parents are excessively caring and overly pampering, they kind of create a bubble or a protective shield around their child. Which in a way creates a barrier between the child and the real world. To enter this bubble or shield everything has to go through parents. Parents only allow those things(it may be people, eatables, toys, or any other thing) that they consider to be good or harmless for their child. Or we can say that the bubble is sanitized by parents and things that follow the checklist of parents are allowed to get inside. Resulting in the child not getting proper exposure to the real world and getting real opportunities to explore the world.

Pampering a child is a natural instinct of parents to show love and provide comfort to their children. However, as we know anything in excess is not good for health. For example, excessive intake of sugar in diet can cause diabetes and excessive intake of salt can weaken the bones. Same way excessive pampering, which we call Over Pampering is also not good and can hurt child development and can lead to long-term consequences. Let us explore the negative effects of over-pampering a child and how it can affect them in the long run.

1. Over Pampering Causes Entitlement Issues

When a child is over pampered, they may grow up with the belief that they are entitled to everything. Whenever they get what they want without having to work for it, they feel that they owe something simply because of who they are. This can lead to a sense of entitlement for what they have and an expectation that they will always get what they want without any effort on their part.

It’s important to note that showing love and affection to a child is essential for their emotional development. However, pampering should be done in moderation and with a balance of discipline and guidance. Children need to learn that they can’t always get what they want. Parents sometimes should allow their children to work hard and achieve their goals.

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2. Low Self-Esteem and Confidence

Overly Pampered children may struggle with low self-esteem and confidence. The reason is that they may not have had to work hard or face challenges on their own. Sometimes parents while pampering their child get a little carried away. If a child asks for little assistance in their work from parents, then instead of just assisting, most parents often end up completing that work. Here we can observe that when a child is not allowed to work, how can we expect that child to develop confidence? Because if a child is not exposed to work and challenges it will be hard for them to grow in confidence. This can lead to low self-esteem and a lack of confidence in their abilities.
By allowing your child to face challenges and overcome obstacles on their own. You can help them build confidence and develop a strong sense of self.

3 Over Pampering can Result in Poor Social Skills

Overpampered children may struggle with social skills. As they may not get a chance to learn how to share, compromise, or work with others. They may struggle with empathy or understanding others’ perspectives. Because they are used to having their own needs met without having to consider the needs of others. This can lead to a lack of appreciation and they may also develop a lesser sense of gratitude and respect for others. Which can make it difficult for them to form healthy relationships with others.

Parents should set their children free to interact with others and learn to collaborate and communicate effectively, without parental intervention. Children should be encouraged more to get involved in social activities with their peers. This can help them develop essential social skills.

4 Lack of Responsibility and Self Dependence

Over Pampering a child can hinder their growth by preventing them from developing a sense of responsibility and self-dependence. When a child is used to having everything done for them, they may struggle to take care of themselves or take responsibility for themselves and their belongings. An overpampered child leaves dishes on the table after having the meal, because they know somebody(overpampering parents) will pick up the dishes for them. They will throw toys all around the room, because again they know somebody(you know who this somebody is) will arrange them. A child is not going to take care of their toys if they know that they will get a new toy if it breaks. They will fail to grow into a responsible adult.

Pampering can also lead to children becoming overly dependent on their parents. Children may become overly reliant on external validation in making decisions. And they may also struggle to develop a sense of self-worth. They may struggle to develop basic life skills such as cooking, cleaning, and managing finances. This can hurt their ability to live independently as adults.
Parents should avoid excessive pampering, and let children do their tasks on their own and take responsibility. Children should be encouraged to do some daily tasks that they are capable of, like arranging their school bags, doing homework getting ready for school. This way parents can help their child develop essential skill for independence.

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5 Over Pampering can Cause Lack of Resilience in Child

Pampered children may struggle with resilience, as they may not have had to face or overcome challenges on their own. They may struggle to cope with failures or disappointments and may give up easily when faced with obstacles. They will find it hard to endure tough tasks, but easy to give up. This can make it challenging for them to develop endurance, problem-solving skills, and resilience later in life.

If a child wants a toy and gets it readily by either crying or simply by making dull faces. The child will keep on following this easy procedure every time. But if the child is given some task to complete to fulfill their wish, they will try and put effort into completing the task. Surely the child will try to follow the easy way, but if parents refuse to give in, the child will put in more effort. They may fail in initial attempts, but to get their wish fulfilled they will be motivated. They will think of different ways to accomplish the task. Which will create a sense of resilience and determination. Add to it the quality of being deserving and then demanding which they may develop.
By teaching your child to persevere through challenges and learn from their mistakes, you can help them develop resilience and a tough mindset.

6 Over Pampering Parents can face Financial Consequences

Parents who are over-pampering a child can have bad financial consequences. Firstly, the child may develop a sense of entitlement to expensive items and experiences. This can lead to financial problems for the child later in life, as they may struggle to live within their means or prioritize their spending. Children won’t be able to learn how to manage and value money.

Secondly, it can become a burden on parents later on to fulfill their child’s costly demands. Initially when the child demands some kind of toy or something else. Parents may be very capable at that time fulfill their child’s demand as the toys for small children may not be that costly. But as the child grows, demand for bigger toys and more expensive toys will increase. At this moment parents may find themselves in some sort of trouble. Therefore to avoid such situations parents should teach children about financial management.

By teaching your child the value of money and the importance of budgeting and saving, you can help them develop responsible financial habits.

As we have gone through various disadvantages of over pampering, you might also find worth reading Why Is It Bad to Compare Your Child.

Conclusion: Overpampering a child can have negative consequences on their social, emotional, and cognitive development and it is important to avoid the pitfalls of pampering. While it’s important to show love and affection to a child, it’s equally important to provide them with guidance and discipline. The meaning of pampering is not to be over-caring and over doing things for the child that they are capable of doing. But pampering meaning in the real sense is encouraging independence, setting boundaries, and teaching essential life skills, that can help your child develop into a responsible, empathetic, and resilient individual who is prepared for success in all areas of life.

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  1. karan malhotra

    nice thoughts about parenting

  2. Kuldeep Singh

    Good information provided