Why Screen Time for Children has Increased, An Insight!

The increase in screen time for children has been a growing concern for many years, and recent events have only accelerated this trend. Several factors contribute to this trend, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the rise of interactive online games and apps, and the growing popularity of online education. Additionally, the trend towards smaller nuclear family systems and the availability of more screens at home have also had an impact on children’s screen time.
With the widespread use of digital devices, increased screen time can impact various aspects of a child’s development, from physical health to social and cognitive skills. Understanding the implications and finding a balance between technology use and other activities is crucial for promoting healthy child development. Here we have discussed important reasons contributing to too much screen time for children which will ultimately help parents to set limits on screen time.

1. COVID-19 Impact on Increasing Screen Time

Before COVID, life was totally different. Everything was in a routine. People used to go to their work, children going to school, social events, festivals and regularly meeting friends and relatives. As Coronavirus attacked this world, a lot of things changed. No social interaction, no gatherings, everybody was bound to stay indoors. All of us suffered during this phase, and kids also had many adverse effects on child development.
Schools were closed, Playgrounds were empty, Not allowed to go outside, children also had a tough time, and so did parents. Parents also felt bad for their kids being deprived of childhood fun. To keep children engaged indoors, parents found an easy alternative in mobile phones and televisions. It was some kind of a savior at that time.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on children’s screen time. Social distancing measures have limited opportunities for physical activity and socialization, leading to increased screen time for entertainment and communication. While the pandemic has forced us to rely on technology for education and socialization, it has also highlighted the need for balance and moderation in screen time.

Also read: Why saying no to child is important.

2. More Screens at Home

The availability of more screens at home has also contributed to the increase in screen time for children. With the rise of smart TVs, tablets, and smartphones, screens are now universal in many households. While these devices can provide educational and entertainment opportunities, they can also be a source of distraction from other activities. The accessibility of screens has led to a shift in recreational activities, with many traditional forms of play being replaced by screen-based entertainment.
Let us take an example from the past. When families used to have only one television in the home. Every family member had a dedicated time slot to watch their favorite shows on TV. Grandparents had their favorite spiritual shows, father liked to watch the news channel, and mother liked daily soap drama serials. Children liked cartoon shows and used to watch TV in their dedicated time slots. When children’s time slots were over, they had to watch others’ favorite shows like news, daily soap serials, or some spiritual show. Which obviously they didn’t like and used to find some other way of entertaining themselves or going outdoors and playing. And children’s screen time used to be minimal. But nowadays each family member has their own device and bulk of multiple screens in common areas. Which results in children being constantly surrounded by digital stimuli.

3. Online Education promoting Increased Screen time for Children

The education system was adopting online technologies gradually but the pandemic forced it to shift to online platforms instantly. Educational Institutes were not prepared for this sudden shift and were caught off guard. Earlier, no policies or guidelines existed on imparting education online. The pandemic caused a sudden shift without much analysis or deliberation on the advantages and disadvantages of online education. Which resulted in becoming a factor in increasing screen time for children.
Now, the prevalence of technology in education has led to an increased screen time for children. In today’s world, technology is an integral part of education. Many schools provide laptops or tablets for students to use during classes. This means children get access to screens at school as well as at home.
While online education can provide access to a lot of information and opportunities, it can also lead to increased screen time for children. Parents need to be mindful of the amount of time children spend using screens for education and to encourage other types of learning, such as reading and hands-on activities.

4. Nuclear Family System contributing to Increased Screen time

The trend toward smaller nuclear family systems has also contributed to the increase in screen time for kids. The nuclear family structure consists of parents and their children in a single household. In this familial setup, parents often have demanding work schedules, leaving limited time for direct engagement with their children. With fewer siblings and family members to interact with, children may turn to screens for entertainment and communication.
In the absence of extended family members or siblings, children may turn to digital devices as they become convenient and accessible tools for entertainment. But screens can also lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions and can contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Additionally, nuclear families might lack the built-in support systems that larger families provide, leading parents to resort to screens as a means of occupying and entertaining their children while managing daily responsibilities. It becomes even more challenging when both the Parents are working. The convenience of screens as babysitters or distractions for busy parents further exacerbates the issue.
Moreover, the nuclear family model may amplify societal trends that normalize screen usage as a common leisure activity. Without diverse family dynamics to develop alternative pastimes, children in nuclear families might be more exposed to prolonged screen exposure. As a result, the nuclear family structure, having its challenges with time constraints and limited social interactions, can unintentionally contribute to the increase of screen time for kids as a practical and easy solution to various challenges within the family unit.
Parents need to address this problem mindfully. Parents need to spend more time with their children to keep them away from screens. They should pay visits to relatives with their children so that children can have better interaction and bonding with relatives and help in reducing screen time.

Must Read: How to reduce Screen Time for Children.

5. Socialization taking a Digital Turn

The digitization of socialization significantly contributes to the surge in screen time for kids. Traditionally, socialization involved face-to-face interactions, outdoor activities, and peer engagement. However, the advent of digital platforms has transformed the landscape, making screens a central medium for social interactions. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat have become an integral part of daily life for many children. They are providing a way to connect with friends and family members online.
However, this has led to an increased screen time for children, as they often spend hours scrolling through their feeds or chatting with friends online. While social media can be a valuable tool for communication and socialization, it can also lead to a decrease in face-to-face interactions.
The charm of virtual socialization lies in its accessibility and instantaneous nature, creating an environment where kids find constant stimulation and connectivity. Social platforms often incorporate elements of reward and instant gratification, making them particularly engaging for young minds. As a result, children spend more time on screens, blurring the lines between social interaction and screen-based entertainment.
In essence, the digital turn in socialization has reshaped how kids perceive and engage with their peers and the world, contributing significantly to the increase in screen time observed in modern childhood.

6. Impact of Addictive Online Content on Screen Time of Children

The rise of attractive and engaging online content is a major reason for the increased screen time among children. Particularly during the pandemic when everyone was confined to their homes, internet usage increased unprecedentedly. This has led to intense competition in the online sector, with service providers like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and gaming apps investing heavily in research and analysis to capture the attention of the growing number of internet users. As a result, online content has become more alluring and addictive, which has had a detrimental impact on children. The content is designed in a way that makes it difficult for children to leave the screen.
Interactive and engaging online games and apps have become increasingly addictive for children, encouraging them to spend hours playing and interacting with screens. Streaming services and online gaming have made it very tempting for kids to spend more time in front of screens for entertainment. The availability of online entertainment options has given children access to a wide range of content that can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This has resulted in children spending more time watching videos and TV shows on screens for extended periods. That creates distraction from other activities such as reading or physical exercise.

While these activities can be educational and beneficial in moderation, they can also be a source of distraction and overstimulation. It’s important for parents to be mindful of the types of games and apps that their children are using and to promote a healthy balance between screen time and other activities.

Conclusion: Nowadays, children are spending more time than ever on screens such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. While screens can offer kids educational and entertainment opportunities, it’s important for parents to make sure their children are not spending too much time on them. Instead, parents should encourage kids to participate in physical exercise, reading, and face-to-face interactions. These activities can help children maintain a healthy and active lifestyle. Parents don’t need to completely avoid technology. But they should monitor the amount of time their kids spend on screens. And also make sure they’re spending an appropriate amount of time on other activities. By finding a balance between screen time and other activities, children can enjoy the benefits of technology while also staying healthy and active.

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